Free Event: A Startling Fact About Your Inner Beauty
All you have to do is look at the magazines in the grocery check out aisle to see the images of beauty being "sold" to us. These images of beauty may lead us to pluck our eyebrows, get a nose job or undergo plastic surgery to remove crow's feet or those lines that go from your nose to your mouth as you age.
In fact, many images of beauty make us want to change something about our face and hair, don’t they?
Well, what if making those changes actually inhibits your TRUE beauty? What if making too many changes to your face actually keeps you from living your purpose?
In our upcoming free training event - A Startling Fact About Your Inner Beauty – find out what your face is telling you about your true purpose. Our special guest, Jean Haner, Hay House author of the book, The Wisdom of Your Face, shares her expertise about Chinese face reading (a branch of Chinese medicine).
So before rushing to change your appearance to fit the fashion magazines, discover the secret to your own natural, timeless, ageless beauty.
In this free training event, you will learn:
Why plastic surgery might do more harm than good
How to age beautifully and develop the "inner light" that makes you look younger
How to attract loving, nurturing relationships
How your face reveals your true purpose
How you can find a career path in alignment for your own unique design
How to discover the hidden vitality and joy that is waiting for you
How to feel compassion for yourself and others
What if the face you were born with could show you how to achieve more joy? What if your own unique blueprint could reveal your true purpose in life, the right relationship or the perfect career? Join us and find out!
Register today
DATE: Wednesday, June 16th, 2010
TIME: 4:00 pm Pacific Time / 5:00 pm Mountain Time / 6:00 pm Central Time / 7:00 pm Eastern Time or convert to your own time zone
To Attend the event, register here:
You can attend by phone or over the Internet and the call will be recorded.
If you cannot make the call and want to listen to the recording, register for the class and you will receive the call recording link as well.
Join us for this special, free training event!
In health and happiness,
The Body Ecology Team
All Content, Copyright 2010
Body Ecology
Suite D
130 Conway Dr
Bogart, Ga. 30622